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Расставьте слова в правильном порядке что бы получились предложения. 1 to monkey its trees. tail The uses climp 2 trunk uses its The

5-9 класс

elephant food. get to

3 kangaroo legs strong The uses its run. jump and to

4 swim. to uses tail its The crocodile

5 flippers its to The dolphin swim. uses

Salli2080 27 окт. 2013 г., 21:48:23 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 окт. 2013 г., 23:31:35 (10 лет назад)

1)The monkey uses its tail to climb trees

2)The elephant uses its trunk to get food.

3) The kangaroo uses its strong legs to jump and run.

4)The crocodile uses its tail to swim.

5)The dolphin  uses its flippers to swim.

+ 0 -
28 окт. 2013 г., 1:18:50 (10 лет назад)

1.The monkey uses its tail to climb trees

2.The elephant uses its trunk to get food.

3 .The kangaroo uses its strong legs to jump and run.

4.The crocodile uses its tail to swim.

5.The dolphin  uses its flippers to swim.


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Пожалуйста, составите прежложения с каждым из этих слов:

a forecast, to forecast, to expect, daily, calm, a misty, changeable, to look out for

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Читайте также

Составить предложения из слов : 1 to / monkey / its / trees / tail / The / uses / climb. 2 trunk / uses / its / The / elephant / food /

get / to .

3 kangaroo / legs / strong / The / uses / its / run / jump / and / to

4 swim / to / uses / tail / its / The / crocodile

5 flippers / its / to / The / dolphin / swim / uses

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке-так, чтобы получились предложения; запишите их is\ a\ Freddy\ dlack\ big\ cat; Green\ Jack\ a\ cook\ good\ is;

happy\ Queen Mad\ is\ a\ gueen; dig\ a\ bog\ Rex\ black\ is; horse\ Woody\ a\ red\ is; is\ a\ sheep\ little\ Dolly

надо расставить в правельном порядке что бы получилось предложение

1)really / tennis / playing / in / for / not /mood / the / i'am
2)on / worth / TV / watching / There's / nothing
3) really / to / centres / into / i'm / going / shopping / not
4) there / enjoy / You'll / you / it / get / when
5) talked / out / dinner / me / You've / going / into / for

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