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Me and my friends are at the cinema. We (watch) a funny film. Jim .................... (eat) popcorn and

1-4 класс


...................... (drink) cola. Harry

........... (laugh). I............ (sit)

next to Jim.

I ..............(wear) glasses.

Can you see me?

Ler04kags97 25 авг. 2013 г., 5:40:38 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 авг. 2013 г., 7:28:51 (10 лет назад)

Me and my friends are at the cinema. We are watching a funny film/ Jim is eating popcorn and Linda is drinking cola. Harry is laughing. I'm sitting next to Jim. I'm wearing glasses. Can you see me?

+ 0 -
25 авг. 2013 г., 8:45:25 (10 лет назад)

Me and my friends are at the cinema. We are watching a funny film. Jim is eating 


Другие вопросы из категории

Ответьте на общие вопросы отрицательным ответом и положительным на все вопросы:

1. Are Johnny and Gill Bills cousihs ?
2.Have Tim and Beth got two sons ?

Ex. 11. Ask questions to the following sentences in Past Simple

1. Henry Ford became famous for its innovative assembly line. Why....
2. They saw the new machinery at the trade exhibition. Where...
3. The huge programme started in 1946.
4. Bill Gates was the person who invented Windows.
5. She was our PR manager two years ago.
6. There were five leading manufacturers of medical equipment at the trade fair.
How many...
7. The company opened a new sales office in Manila.
8. The Managing Director discussed the strategy with the members of the Board.
9. The customers were pleased with the service.
10. The firm gave a two-year guarantee for all the products.

Вставь глагол to be в нужной форме.Переведи текст.

I____Red Riding Hood.This ____my grandmother.We____good friends.This___my granmother house.And this____Mr Wolf.We____not friends.
На каждой строчке в двух словах есть одинаковый гласный звук или дифтонг.Подчеркни эти слова.
Допиши письмо,вставь недостающие слова.Переведи текст.
I____ ____.I_____in Russia._____is my friend.____lives in___.Write soon,____.Спасибо огромное за помощь всем.


get along

Читайте также

Write about you and your friends at the park.

This is me and my friends at the park.I am ______the_________.
_____is_______the_________..2 предложения
The_____is_______ _______ _______.2 предложения
Помогите пожалуста всавить пропущенные слова

Прочитать по русски. And now it is The end of the day.Time for the toys To come out and play.Hello,I`m Ted.I`m a teddy bear.Look,my friends Are over

there!That`s Dolly the doll And Jack in his box And Pip the puppet-One of William`s socks! I`m Sam,the toy soldier.How do you do? It`s very nice To meet all of you! And my name`s Bella.Hello,everyone! I like it here,It`s lots of fun!

Paul is in the park. He often(go) after thr lessons there. Now he (go) on exciting rides there.Pete is at the school stadium. He (ride) askateboard.

He (be) very good at it.
Steve and Mike are at the zoo. They (take) photos of the animals there. Steve and Mike (be) interested in photography. Jane is at Sarah`s birthday party. She and her friends (enjoy) a birthday cake.
Sue is at home. She(chat) with Linda on the phone. They (exchange) their school news rvery day.
Bill is at Ted`s home. They (do) homework together. Bill often(help) Ted with maths.
Linda(ride) a horse at the club. She(visit) the club every Wednesday.
плиззззз сделайте

Выбери нужный артикль 1) а, 2)the,3)- Diana is doing to stay at (-) home this Sunday Inna is doing to

go to (-) London at the weekend

I am doing to watch (-) TV after school

Fedya is doing to watch (-) new film at the cinema

We are doing to go to (-) seaside in July

Are they doing to visit us on (-) Monday

What are you doing to do on (-) holiday

Read the text and complete it with the verbs in the Past Simple.Julia Sherman spent (spend) her summer holidays with her parents at the seaside.

They ... (take) a trip to Africa. Julia and her parents wanted to visit Egypt and the Red Sea. Julia's dad ... (buy) the tickets. They ... (arrive) at the airport on time. Julia ... (see) a lot of big and modern planes. On board Julia ... (eat) tasty sandwiches and ... (drink) some juice. Julia ... (read) a book and ... (watch) an interesting video.
In the afternoon Julia and her parents arrived at the hotel. From the window she ... (can) see the Red Sea and ... (smell) the beautiful flowers. She ... (want) to go sightseeing. She ... (take) a lot of photos of the Sahara Desert, the big camels, and the exotic flowers. For two weeks she ... (have) a lot of sunbathing, ... (swim) and ... (watch) the beautiful fish in the sea all day long. She ... (be) very happy at the seaside.
Буду признательна если поможете с переводом... ^_^

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