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вставте слова в разговор двух нло должно быть have you evere been to

5-9 класс

A : have you evere
B : no . not yet . ( НЕНАДО ТУТ ДОПОЛНЯТЬ )
A: LET"S ARRange the day and the time , then .
A: OK . bye , then ,

Vik28 23 апр. 2014 г., 21:00:22 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 апр. 2014 г., 21:39:48 (10 лет назад)

A : have you  ever been to the museum of local history?

+ 0 -
23 апр. 2014 г., 23:11:28 (10 лет назад)

A: Have you ever been to the Earth?
B: no, not yet.
A: You have to fly there. It's worth seeing this wonderful Planet. Will you join me?
B: With great pleasure.
A: Let's arrange the day and the time then.
B: How about next Monday?
A: Ok. Bye, then.
B: See you soon.


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Ребята, выручайте пожалуйста! Учительница попросила написать такое мини сочинение о том, что любят делать подростки(Я решила написать про мальчиков) , пото

му что описывать мои занятия и других девушек очень долго.. Я плохо знаю английский и прошу вас, помогите перевести мне мой текст: ..

Я хочу рассказать вам о жизни подростков-мальчиков. Стиль жизни у подростков очень активный. Они просыпаются рано, много учатся, но и не забывают про отдых: Им нравится погулять с друзьями после школы, сходить в гости или съездить в любимый кружок. Также подростки-мальчики помогают родителям с работой по дому или саду. В свободное время, подростки любят посмотреть фильмы или поиграть в компьютерные игры. В зимнее время года большую популярность приобретает катание на коньках или лыжах, потому что это очень полезно. В летнее время, любимое занятие подростков это покупаться в пруду или море. Иногда подростки вместе с родителями ходят в поход и учатся много новому. Это так здорово!Я считаю подростковый возраст должен проходить очень активно и ярко для каждого человека!

Нужно завтра сдавать, я не знаю как построить предложение.. Даю 40 балов , помогите!

Complete the senteces . Write about your family and friends .

I am now.
My mother is .
My best friend is .
My grandparents are .
My dog/cat/parrot is .

Читайте также

Post test 1.countable or uncountable a.pencil b.music c.rain d.flower e.apple f.money



2. Write "some" "any" in the graps.

a.I have got _____ pens in the office.

b. There is not_____ sugar in the dining room.

c.Have you got_____ photographs of Tom?

d.Peter put _____ water and____ glasses on the table.

e. There was not _____ petrol in the car.

f.There were ______ flowers on the table.

g. Would you like _____ juice?

3. Put the verb into the correct tence : the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

a.We usually___ (take) the bus to town; but today we (go) by car.

b."Where ____ you usually___ (go) on Friday evenings?" "To a disco".

c."It is 11.30 Why ___ you___ (work) so late?" "Because I ____ (have) a lot of homework"

d. "What __ you usually ____ (have) for breakfast?" "Toast. But today I ____ (have) some fruit because there is not any bread"

e." The telephone ____ (ring). Can you answer it?" ""Ok.

4. Present Perfect and Past Simple. Choose the correct sentence.

a.I went to London last week.

I have been to London last week

b. Have you ever been to Spain?

Did you ever go to Spain?

c.He won a competition last month.

He has won a competition last month.

d. She has finiched homework 2 hours ago.

She finished homework 2 hours ago.

e.I have not seen that film yet.

I did not see that film yet.

5. Questions and tenses. Ask questions about the sentences.

Example: John went to New York. When did he go?

a.I do not go to work by bus. How ___ you___?

b.He bought a new car. WHAT kind of ____?

c.She`s watching TV. What____?

d. We saw Bill yesterday. Where____?

e. He has left the party. Why___?

f.They`re going on holiday. Where____?

g.He does not work. Why____?

6. Prepositions. Put a preposition from the box into each gap.

слова: from,on,at,in,about,into,of,than

a.We went shopping _____ the worning.

b.Is it far ____ your house to your cshool?

c.I`m reading a book ___ the history or English.

d.WHAT`s the longest river ______ the world?

e.Can you buy a bottle ______ lemonade?

f._______ Saturday I visited my grandparents.

g.Come and see me ____7 o`clock.

h.France is mush bigger_______ England.

i.He put it______ his bag.

7.Comparative and superlative adjectives. Put the correct form of the adjectives into gaps.

a.Maths is... ihan history. (difficult)

b.The weather is ... today than yesterday. (bad)

c.My grandfather is the ... in the family. (old)

d.This is the ... hotel in our city. (exptnsive)

e.My brother is ... than me. (young)

f.I`m... today . (good)

g.He`s the ... pupil in class. (good)

h.It`s the ... car. (fast)

i.Your house is ... than mine. (big)

Срочно нужно сочинение,помогите <_<

100-120 слов

..Last month I went to London with my class-mates. I didn’t like the hotel at all. It was too noisy and the food was awful. But all the excursions were very interesting. We saw the British Museum, Buckingham Palace and other sights of London. But in spite of some drawbacks we enjoyed our holiday very much.
...Have you ever been to England? What other countries have you been to? What can a tourist see in Russia?

Составьте вопросы по образцу, используя данные слова: (you / ever / be / to Italy) - Have you ever been to Italy?

1. You ever / be / to South America?
2. You / read / any English books?
3. You / live / in this town all your life?
4. How many times / you / be / in love?
5. What's / the most beautiful country / you /ever / visit?
6. You ever / speak / to a famous person?

Помогите пройти 53 бала

1. Выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному.
1) society
a) project b) organization c) the kind
2) enjoyable
a) domestic b) natural c) pleasant
3) to save
a) to protect b) to beat c) to join
2. Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу.
1) There will be less than 300 … in the wild next year.
a) wings b) animals c) kinds
2) She usually … lions and tigers at 12.15 pm, elephants at 2 pm.
a) feeds b) protects c) saves
3) Alex and Jim … these little lambs (ягнят) because they were too weak.
a) fought b) watched c) joined
4) I decided to join the Zoological Society of London because I want to save … animals.
a) enjoyable b) natural c) endangered
5) Have you ever been to the zoo at … ?
a) all over the world b) feeding time c) take part in
3. Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме.
1) He … already repaired his bike.
a) have b) has
2) I have just … my baby sister.
a) feed b) fed c) feeding
3) Have you ever … to London?
a) be b) were c) been
4) The students have … the scientific society.
a) join b) joined c) joining
5) Mike has washed his hair … .
a) recently b) already c) yet
4. Выбери правильный вариант перевода.
1) Сharles has just finished his translation.
a) Чарльз уже заканчивает свой перевод.
b) Чарльз уже закончил свой перевод.
с) Чарльз скоро закончит свой перевод.
2) These women visited the famous Wild Animal's Park.
a) Эти женщины посещают знаменитый заповедник.
b) Эти женщины посещали знаменитый заповедник.
с) Эти женщины посетили знаменитый заповедник.
3) Tom is riding his bike in the park.
a) Том катается на велосипеде в парке.
b) Том катался на велосипеде в парке.
с) Том покатался на велосипеде в парке.

вставить пропущенные слова(ставятся не везде)

1)"... you ever been to the Kremlin ?" -- "Of course, we ... . We ... there last Sunday."
2)" My little sister ... not been tithe zoo yet. ... your little brother been there?" -- " Yes, he ... . He ... at the zoo last weekend. Bat I ... not been there for ages. Let's all go together. It's worth visiting in May."
3) They ... already been to the museum. They ... there last month.
СЛОВА: Have, Has, Was, Were.

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