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Нужна помощь по английскому языку

5-9 класс

каринка998 27 апр. 2013 г., 4:15:48 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 апр. 2013 г., 7:04:56 (11 лет назад)

1. What did the Andersons buy?

2. Who has already met  Mr Smith?

3. When did they meet Mr Smith?

4. Who is  going to invite him?

5. What does she teach?

6. What was he interested in?

7. Who wants to take a trip to England?

8. Where did he meet them?

9. What room does Mary clean every day?

10. When did the train arrive?

+ 0 -
27 апр. 2013 г., 8:28:52 (11 лет назад)

1. What did Andersons buy?

2.Have they already met Mr Smith?

3.When did they met Mr Smith?

4.Are they going to invite him?

5.What does she teach?

6.What was he interested in?

7.Do they want to take a trip to England?

8.Where did he meet them?

9.What does Mary clean every day?

10.At what time/when did the train arrive?


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2)You.........play with the vase.You can break it.
3)My bike is clean,I mustn't wash it tomorrow.
4)You...........give anything to these animals.It can be dangerous.
5)Mother has already bought everything,so she..........go shopping tomorrow.
6)we had lunch at school,so we..........wash up today.
8)I decorated the new year tree yesterday,so I.......do it tomorrow.
9)You............decorate the new year tree alone.You are too little.

НАРООД!Помогите мне пожалуйста с английским .

Продолжите историю на английском .
начало:It was a stormy autumn night .The sky was dark with clouds and a strong wind was blowing .My brother and I were at our granny is .We were on holiday .Granny is old house stood alone on the other side of the village ,near a forest.We were telling spooky stories in bed ,when we heard a strange scary sound outside.When we looked out of the window ,we saw....Продолжите историю после троеточия

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Нужна помощь по английскому языку .

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по Английскому языку. Срочно НАДО!!!!!!!!
№1. In which of the buildings ( places ) you can hear the following phrases?
Example: "Could I have a cup of tea?" - "In a cofe."
1. "Hurray! He is first!" - _________________________________________________________
2. "How much does this dress cost?" - _____________________________________________
3. "Don't forget to bring the book back in 10 days!" - __________________________________
4. "Have you got anything for a sore throat?" - _______________________________________
5. "This book is one of the oldest in our collection. It's about 500 years old." - __________________________________________________________________________
6. "Can I change roubles for euros?" - ___________________________________________
7. "Hush! Be quiet! The performance has already begun!" - __________________________

Народ может быть кто-нибудь, что-нибудь да знает. Помогите пожалуйста кто чем сможет по английскому языку. Может у кого-то такой же учебник как и у меня.

Учебник по английскому языку написали: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Jilia Vaulina, Страница учебника 54 контрольная работа №5 (Progress Check 5). Напишите хоть и не весь хотя бы что знаете.
Fill in the sentences with the words below.(Заполните предложений с ниже слов.)
варианты: up(вверх), out (из), over (над), fun (веселье), round (круглый), in(в)
1. Children usually have ... dressing ... . (Дети, как правило,...одевание... .)
2. Come... here and join... the game. (приехать...здесь и присоединиться...игра.)
3. Can i pop...to borrow some sugar? It's run... (Могу ли я поп...,брать сахар? Этим управляет...)

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