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Помогите вот задание. Answer the juestions and write a story about your dream town. 1.What is the name of your dream town? 2.What is your town like? 3. Whe

1-4 класс

re is it? 4.Are there any rivers, lakes, seas, mountains near your town? 5.What is there in your dream town? 6.What are your favourite places in your town? 7.Who lives in your dream town? 8.What makes your dream town special?

Matveysavshenko 14 апр. 2015 г., 18:43:57 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 апр. 2015 г., 21:20:06 (9 лет назад)

1.My dream town's name Nicolodja.
2.This is small, clear town.
3.My town create on America.
4.There is not so much rivers, lakes. Haven't seas and mountains.
5.In my town i want big buildings and clear sky.
6.Center of my town(i want green park).
7.Only my clones.
8.In our world we don't have town, such i want.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста! Нужно перевести, и перечислить подарки Рекса. We have got a pet. It,s a nice big black dog. It,s name is Rex. rex i

s three. Rex,s birthday is on the 28th of February. We have got a big birthday parti. Rex,s friends come to see us. They are a red and white cat Mussy, a grey dog Doggie,and a white rabbit Patrick. They play hide-and-seek. They have got a birthday cake, meat for Doggie, ham for Rex, carrots for Patrick and fish for Mussy. They are happy. Rex has got alot of presents - a red ball, a nice teddi bear and a bone. Happy birthday to you, Rex!

Ответь На вопросы:

1.When is Rex,s birthday?

2.How old is Rex?

3. Who comes to see Rex?

4. What have they got to eat?

5. Why are the friends happy?

Заранее спасибо!

1)Составить и записать предложения.

I nice
She am brave
He is cunning
It strong
2) Помоги Рокки написать письмо заявку на участие в конкурсе, но помни что Рокки большой хвастун.
I am
I am not
I can
But I can't
I like

извините мне немогли вы бы ещерас помоч как читаются ети предложения

one doy a spider bites peter
He is strobg and feser climb walls jusl

Составьте слова из букв по английски.

ОБРАЗЕЦ: u, n, r - run
1. a, n, d, e, c -
2. n, i, g, s -
3. i, w, r, e, t -
4 . n, c, u, o, t -
5. a, r, e, d -

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to school .... the ist of September. Itwas Satyrday. I didn`t go to school ...... Sunday, but ......Monday i was in the classroom ....8.30 ..... the morning. Спасибо.

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