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10. Do the crossword puzzle. 1)Canada is a ... in North America. 2)Last summer they went ... .They visited Great Britain and France.

5-9 класс

3)When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a ... .

4)Liza has some ... for the Russian students.

5)A ... - is a person who travels for pleasure.

6)Could we ... a date and time now?

7)Liza brought a ... from our English partners.

Ken20009 10 нояб. 2013 г., 14:30:23 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 нояб. 2013 г., 16:02:37 (10 лет назад)

1)Canada is a country in North America.

2)Last summer they went abroad.They visited Great Britain and France.

3)When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a picnic .

4)Liza has some souveniers for the Russian students.

5)A tourist - is a person who travels for pleasure.

6)Could we fix a date and time now?

7)Liza brought a present from our English partners.

+ 0 -
10 нояб. 2013 г., 18:43:30 (10 лет назад)

 1)Canada is a country in North America.

 2)Last summer they went to Europe . They visited Great Britain and France.

 3)When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest,they have a great appetite .  

 4)Liza has some invitation cards for the Russian students.

 5)A tourist is a person who travels for pleasure.

 6)Could we assign a date and time now?

 7)Liza brought a present  from our English partners.


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The crossword puzzle

1. 7(букв)
2. 6(букв)
3. 6(букв)
4. 11(букв)

5. 7(букв)
6. 7(букв)
7. 6(букв)
1) Canada is a ... in North America.
2) Last summer they went ... . They visited Great Britain and France.
3) When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a ... .
4) Liza has some ... for the Russian students.
5)A ... - is a person who travels for pleasure.
6) Could we ... a date and time now&
7) Liza brought a ... from our English partners.
помогите пожаааалуста от этой оченки будет зависить четвертная.

Do the crosswoud puzzle .1) Canada is a ... in Norh America 2)

Last summer they went ...They visited Gret Britain and France. 3) When
people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest, they have a... 4)
Liza has sjme ... for the Russian students. 5) A...-is a person who
travels for pleasure. 6) Could we... a date and time now?7) Liza
brought a... from our English parhners.


2) Last summer they went ... . They visited Great Britain and France.
3)When people take food and eat it in a field or in a forest,they have a ... .
4) Liza has some ... for the Russian students.
5) A ... - is a person who travels for pleasure.
6)Could we ... a date and time now?
7)Liza brought a ... from our English partners.

Do the crossword puzzle.

1) Canada is a ... in North America

Помогите разгадать кроссворд: Do the crossword puzzle.

1. ... is the last month of the year.
2. ... is the time when children don`t go to school and do what they want.
3. You can enjoy Christmas ... everywhere in December.
4. ... is the language which people speak in Great britain.
5. ... is an old man who brings children presents at Christmas.
6. .....is one of the seasons.
7. "..... Christmas!" we say to wish people pleasant Christmas days.
8. ......is a traditional or religions song people sing at Christmas.
9. There is a big Christmas tree in Trafalgar .... in winter.
В кроссворде в клеточках буквы такие:
1. 8 букв последняя r
2. 7 букв четвертая i
3. 10 букв, вторая e, девятая o
4. 7 букв, третья g
5. 5 букв, четвертая t
6. 6 букв, третья n
7. 5 букв, пятая y
8. 6 букв, третья и четвертая rr
9. 6 букв, вторая q

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