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You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Steve....

5-9 класс

Next уear I will go to the sixth form where I will learn Maths, Information Technology, English and two more subjects — which ones, I haven't decided yet. I want to get into Oxford. It is rather difficult and you need to work hard. What opportunities do you have when you choose where to study? What are your plans for the future? What subjects are you interested in?

Write a letter to Steve and answer his questions. Ask him three questions about British schools. You have 20 minutes to do this task. Write 100-140 words.

Напишите письмо на 80 слов!

муравчик 02 марта 2014 г., 9:46:12 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 марта 2014 г., 12:25:08 (10 лет назад)

  Dear (name), 
  How are you? It’s nice to hear form you! I’m so proud of you as you’re going to study such difficult subjects! 

+ 0 -
02 марта 2014 г., 14:12:37 (10 лет назад)

Понимаешь, дело в том, что по критериям от 100 до 150.
Dear Steve,

Thanks for your letter. I was really glad to get it.

As for oportunities when you chose where study, i really have plenty of!

And what about you? What sistem of education is in British school?  Do they have new technologies, making study easier?  How many forms are in British schools?

Sorry, i have to go as i haven't done homework yet.

Keep in touch

All the best,

Твоё имя(точки после него не надо).

Пробелами я выделил тебе абзацы. 
Пропуск оставил в том месте, где ты должен ответить на вопросы Стива и написал тебе об этом. 


Другие вопросы из категории

помагите перевод

зарание спасибо

Ответить на вопросы на английском языке полным ответом

1.What are your favourite sports and games?
2.When did you begin in for sports?
3.What sport was it?
4.Do you like to play games in the ground or do you just like sports programmes on television?
5.How good are you at sports?

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In your letter
answer her questions
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