Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

1)Поставьте глагол на правильное место. 1. There ... a book on the shelf. (is,are) 2. There ... armchairs in the living room. (is, are) 3. How many

5-9 класс

chairs ... in the living room? (is, are, are there, is there) 4. What ... in your flat? (is, are, are there, is there) 2) Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в present simple или present continuous: 1. Tom (play) football every day, but now he (play) tennis. 2.Angela (go) to bed early every evening. 3. You and Greg (watch) TV at the moment. 4. Pat (read) a comic every day, but now she (read) a book. 5. He (walk) to school in the morning. 6. Andrea (drink) milk every day, but now she (drink) juice.

LosGuns 10 апр. 2013 г., 14:26:30 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 апр. 2013 г., 16:26:50 (11 лет назад)

1. There is a book on the shelf.

+ 0 -
10 апр. 2013 г., 17:27:17 (11 лет назад)






1.Первая форма plays,а вторая playing(наст.длительное время).



4.Reds а вторая форма reading.

5,Walks а вторая форма walking....Eсли что пиши!Удачи!



Другие вопросы из категории

надо 8 предложений утвердительное отрицательное вопрасительное и специальный вопрос каждого по два плиз хелп время до завтра! я напишу как нам

показывали и всё 1My relative have received the parcel. 2My relative haven t received the parcel.3 Have my reletive receive the parcel?4 Вопросительное слово Has или have подлежащее сказуемое второстепенные?

Present Simple or Present Continuous?1. The telephone (ring). Can you answer it?2. Be quiet! I (watch) this film.3. What he usually (have) for

breakfast?4. My parents (look) for а new country house now, because they (not want) to stay in Moscow in summer.5. We usually (take) а bus to get to school.6. ‘Why you (smile)?’ ‘I (have) nо homework today.’7. Where you (go) on Sundays?8. I always (wear) nice clothes at school. Today I (wear) а white blouse and а blue skirt.9. ‘Jane! Where are you? What you (do)?’ ‘I (clean) my shoes.’10. Nick (live) in Kiev. He often (phone) us when he (not be) busy.11. ‘Why you (go) to bed? It’s only 10.00.’ ‘I always (go) to bed early.’12. I can’t use the telephone now. It (not work).13. It’s late. I (want) to go to sleep.14. ‘How many languages she (speak)?’ ‘She (speak) six foreign languages.’15. I (not think) Ann (like) me very much.16. ‘Who is Richard?’ ‘He (stand) next to Jane.’17. My father (work) in а bank, but today he is at home. He (write) letters.18. ‘Where is Tom?’ ‘He (have) breakfast.’19. John (not get) up very early on Sundays.20. Oh, dear! This milk (taste) awful.

Choose the right form of the verb.

1. I would like ... shopping this afternoon.
a) go b) to go c) going
2. Mark enjoys ... to pop music.
a) listen b) to listen c) listening
3. Of course, you can ... a friend.
a) bring b) to bring c) bringing
4. Should we ... our friends with their homework?
a) help b) to help c) helping
5. I want ... it to the car wash.
a) take b) to take c) taking

Пожалуйста помогите!!!!Как это на русском читается (русскими буквами напишите,пожалуйста,буду благодарен)?

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding. 7 per cent of the population is engaged in farming. Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive. The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with a Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It sits in the House of Parliament in Westminster.There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. The Labour party with Antony Blair at the head is the ruling party nowadays. There’s no written constitution in Great Britain only precedents and traditions.

Читайте также

вставте is или are 1.there...a big grey carpet on my flor 2.there...three windows in our living room. 3.there...a lot of books on the shelves

4.there...no chairs in my bedroom 5.there a book on the table 6.there...girls on the bench 7.there a mouse in the kitchen

Ответьте на вопросы, обращай внимание на употребление оборота there is (there are).

1) What is there on the table?
2) How many books are there on the table?
3) What kind of books are there on the table?
4) Is there a blackboard in your classroom?
5) Are there many tables in your classroom?
6) How many tables are there in your classroom?
7) Are there many chairs in this room?
8) How many chairs are there in this room?
9) What is there in your classroom?
10) How many mistakes were there in your last dictation?
11) Were there many children in the theatre yesterday?
12) Was there an institute in your home town ten years ago?
13) How many institutes are there in your home town now?
14) How many theatres are there in Moscow?
15) How many cinemas are there in the centre of Moscow?
16) How many pages are there in this book?

раскрыть скобки,поставить глагол в

раскрыть скобки,поставить глагол в правильную форму.и перевести.
the documents (to check) at the passport control area.
my salary(to pay) into my account.
these souvenirs (to make) by hand.
in this supermarket a 10 pen cent discount (to give)to regular customers.
a iot of money (to spend) on advertising last year.
new computers(to deliver)to the shop tomorrow.
the scientist (to award) the nobel prize for his discovery.
our clients (to invite) to the trade show next month.
these problems (to discuss) at the meeting yesterday.

помогите поставить глаголы в правильной форме.


Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную форму (Present Simple, Present Progressive) 1. My friends (to speak) English so slowly. 2. Where is my

mum? She is in the kitchen. She (to make) breakfast now. 3. Tom is a sportsman. He (to play) football professionally. 4. He (to go ) to school on food. 5. Look at Annie! She (to dance) brilliantly! 6. Bill (to drive) too fast! He is in hurry! 7. The Supermarket (to close) every day at 10 p.m 8. This jacket is comfortable. That’s why I (to wear) it this moment. 9. My sister (to study) hard. 10. Thank you for (listen) to D-FM. Don’t turn the radio off! 11. I (to run) to him! I will be there in five minutes! 12. -Where is Petya? - I think he (to hide) in his room! 13. Don’t speak so loud! I (to try) to watch this online movie! 14. She is doing homework. She always (to do) it at 5 p.m. 15. My granny ( to like) strong tea. Пжалуйста помогите.

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